Conflicts of Interest

Conflicto de Intereses
Conflicts of interest

Ethics, professionalism, impartiality and confidentiality


Inversis Group has established a set of guidelines and procedures to prevent conflicts of interest that may arise in the various fields of its activity.

For this purpose, employees, financial agents, senior managers and members of each of the Boards of Directors of the entities that are part of Inversis Group (hereinafter "Persons Subject"), shall adhere to the basic principles of ethics, professionalism, impartiality and confidentiality that ensure client protection.

To prevent possible conflicts of interest, Persons affected hereto must permanently update a declaration stating their economic ties, family or other relationship with clients, listed companies or other natural or legal persons that can generate a conflict of interest.


• Should give due priority to the legitimate interests of clients, seeking to avoid conflict with their own interests.
• No personal precedence to Inversis Group, partners and customers interests.
• They should not give privilege to any client when there is a conflict of interest between several. In particular, they shall respect the implementation system and delivery of orders established under the regulations in force.
• Ensure equal treatment among clients. 
• Comply and enforce rigorously the rules derived from laws or regulations or those voluntarily adopted by Inversis Group, designed to prevent or adequately address conflicts of interest.
• Identify the circumstances which constitute or may give rise to a conflict of interest involving a significant risk of damage to the interests of one or more customers.
• They must behave with diligence and transparency in the interests of customers, taking care of such interests as if they were their own, particularly observing the rules of conduct of the securities markets.

Inversis Group has procedures and systems to prevent or control the actions and behaviours of the Affected Persons. In this area, it highlights the Code of Conduct of the Inversis Group and the General Policy regarding Conflicts of Interest.

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